Working creatively as a designer for over 25 years.


Concepting, art direction, design, illustration, project management and commission work for a variety of clients in the corporate, charity, leisure, gift and arts sectors. Work range has included identity campaigns, print collateral, ads, magazines, and large-scale street banners as well as design/art direction for websites and related multimedia.


In and out of house freelance design for a wide range of adult and childrens publishing clients. Experience in presentation development for publishers and packagers. Concept development for new book ideas – working directly with writers, editors, illustrators and photographers. Concept and design of Reports and Reviews for international charities and campaign organisations dealing with research into human rights and natural resource abuses.


Illustration work has included commissions in a range of formats including fabrics, cards, posters, covers, film titles and large-scale street banners.


3D design and commission work has included masks, jewellery, costume and prototype work.


Clients have included both small independent and large corporate businesses across a variety of sectors including art, dance, fashion, education, well-being, children’s entertainment, publishing, gardening, international affairs, human rights, animal rights and bagels. Specific publishing clients have included Dorling Kindersley, National Geographic, Smithsonian Books, Red Lemon Press, Macmillan, Kingfisher and Toucan Books.